This is among the best I've used so far. I also like the 3 OZ aerosol cans because they fit in smal field kits and don't leak all over everything like screw-cap or pump-spray-squeeze bottles do.
This is the very best protective lubricant on the market. Buy some eezox and you will not regret it.
I’ve been using EEZOX for years as a solvent and protective coating. It is a good cleaning solvent and really shines as a preservative. I use it on my firearms and reloading dies. As long as it applied with a light coat and allowed to dry, the item it is applied to is well protected from rust. I am very pleased with how this product performs.
I have used the 3 oz cans of EEZOX® for cleaning and lubrication in South Florida at Okeechobe Shooting Club using over/under and semi auto shotguns. I just spray and run big swab sticks in barrels and then wipe the rest of my shotgun. Barely need to even run a snake brush once every 3 months. There’s nothing that works like EEZOX®. I’ve tried them all. Best product I have ever used!
...We prefer EEZOX® for our crew-served weapons over other issued and commercial lubricants because of it's superior resistance to getting the talcum-powder like dust from just covering them on top of our vehicles...
The more you use it the more you realize what it is doing for the metal. If you actually use your gun in the outdoors you will love this product!
Your product is simply incredible. Your product is a ton less work, it only needs to be applied once and it has worked this long without another application. I am finally able to buy blued and parkerized guns and magazines...
...After shooting, I just wipe away carbon and wipe on a little EEZOX on the sliding points and done. Also great dry lube for magazines, especially because you don't want regular oil to attract dust...
...Three years ago I ordered Eezox Gun Care from you. This product is great. I have been using it on my 2 Benelli shotguns and several different rifles and it lubricates and prevents rust much better than any other gun oil I have ever used...
The best for cleaning and lubricating without having a greasy feel. Works great for protection in marine environments.
"Once your weapon has been completely treated with Eezox, future cleanings are a snap and you have superior rust protection. I use it on my AR's and pump/break shotguns. Never any issues with staining wood, metal, or plastic." ~ by Dan, Verified Purchase
This stuff is the best of the best! World's better than TUF-GLIDE and performs better than Break Free CLP as well. I will never buy any other brand of rust protector again...
...As soon as I sprayed this on it and wiped a very little bit, it started shooting again like it was never fowled...
...I now clean my Barretta sub compact PX Storm, Kahr PM9, and my Seecamp 32 with EEZOX. You can't beat cleaning and lubricating in one step...
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